5th Grade KUD

Shelburne Community School

Know: at the end of this course, students will know…
Understand: at the end of this course, students will understand that…
Do: at the end of this course, students will be able to…
These are the specific elements of your content that you will use to demonstrate deeper understanding or to improve the transferable skills.
These are the deeper understandings about your content that you want students to remember 10 years from now. 
These are transferable skill targets; your assessments will be designed to measure these skills, and these skills are how students will demonstrate their Ks and Us.

Cooperative Games

Omnikan Games 
  • Football
  • 4 square
  • Posionball
  • kinball
Ultimate Style 
  • Frisbee
  • handball

  • net/wall/ invasion 

  • Tag games


Invasion games 

Jump Rope unit 

Demonstrates mature patterns of locomotors skills in small sided games. 

Throws using the correct form and accurately to  a stationary partner. 

Changes speed, directions, and movement patterns in small sided games. 

Applies basic offense/ defensive tactics in invasion games. 

Identifies the importance of a warm-up. 

Compares results for fitnessgram and identifies 4 fitness components. 

Exhibits positive sportsmanship even in challenging situations. 

Can deliver positive feedback to peers. 

Understands the importance of keeping self and others safe during games. 

I can demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

I can apply the knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of activities

I can exhibit responsible social behaviors and cooperate with classmates.

I can move and use equipment safely in physical activity settings.

My positive attitude and active participation demonstrates that I value physical activity for my personal health and well being.

I can listen and follow directions without disturbing others. 

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