Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Help Support SCS PE!

Please cast your vote for our "Superstar Lesson" for a chance to win Adidas Zone Heart Rate Monitors for our students. This technology will allow for students to monitor their progress, help reach their fitness goals and personalize their learning!!! 



Wednesday, November 8, 2017

8th Grade Personal Choice in PE

8th graders are close to completing their  personal choice projects. Students have explored different activities of their interest and picked an activity to develop a skill specific goal around. Students have been self directed learners in monitoring their goals, completing action steps and improving on their skills along the ways. It has been great to see so much improvement over the last few weeks and students engaged, physically active, and invested in their learning! 



Middle School improving their personal wellness!

Middle school students have been working on their personal fitness and preparing for the fitnessgram. Students have been setting personal goals and completing activities focused on muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio respiratory endurance, and flexibility. 


Kindergarten Learning how to underhand throw!

Kindergarten students have begun practicing a new skill of underhand throwing. They have been focusing on bring their arm back, stepping with the opposite foot and following through. Students started throwing at a non moving target and then advanced to tossing with a partner. They worked on aiming, making sure their partner was ready, and eye contact!